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Penetration Testing for Businesses


IT penetration testingCompanies are digitalizing their business processes to streamline business operations, meet customer expectations, and remain competitive. However, this race is making many companies vulnerable to cyberattacks because they underestimate the security risks associated with these new technologies. A small vulnerability or loophole in the internal network can lead to providing full control of the IT infrastructure to hackers.

Companies are spending heavily on cybersecurity to become capable to detect, prevent, respond, and recover from different cyberattacks. In fact, global cybersecurity spending will go beyond $1.75 trillion cumulatively from 2021-2025. It is true that companies can mitigate many cyberattacks if they know potential software/network vulnerabilities, but a deep security assessment can further help to identify small to major hidden loopholes in the network, system, and applications. This is where penetration testing comes into action.

What is Penetration Testing

Penetration testing, also called pentesting, ethical hacking, or white-hat hacking, is a type of ethical cybersecurity assessment that tests the network, computer system, website, and software applications to identify vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit. Consider it as a real-world scenario that helps businesses see their current security posture and how well their defense system responds during a full-scale cyberattack.

The main reason to do penetration testing is to pinpoint what are the areas where a company is most likely going to face an attack, thereby helping to exploit and fix the loopholes before hackers do.

Steps of Penetration Testing

The penetration testing process involves five main steps:

  1. Planning and Reconnaissance – Identity test scope/goals and gather intelligence to understand how the system works and what are the potential vulnerabilities.
  2. Scanning – Use scanning tools to identify network/system weaknesses and how it responds to different intrusion attempts.
  3. Gaining Access – Begin the attack by exploiting the security weaknesses. Afterward, exploit the vulnerabilities by escalating privileges to see how deep attackers can go in the environments.
  4. Maintaining Access – Test the potential of vulnerabilities in maintaining a persistent presence within the system.
  5. Analysis and Reporting – Create detailed reports that present the results of the penetration testing.

This is how ethical hackers can conduct a penetration test on the target's IT infrastructure.

Penetration Testing for Businesses

CARE – Offering the Top-Notch Penetration Testing Services

Penetration testing when done rightly results in identifying all the potential and hidden vulnerabilities within the network, computer system, software application, and website. This is exactly what CARE is committed to offering through its top-notch penetration testing services.

CARE is an established penetration testing firm in Singapore with years of experience improving the cybersecurity posture of companies and pinpointing vulnerabilities before hackers do. CARE provides best-in-class and complete penetration testing services that can intelligently identify system vulnerabilities, evaluate the current cybersecurity posture, and provide comprehensive reporting on the assessment and how to uplift security measures.

Types of Penetration Testing offered by CARE

CARE provides a full package of penetration testing, which includes different types of penetration tests, such as:

  • Network services test
  • Social engineering test
  • Software applications test
  • Remote access security test
  • Web application test

Penetration Testing Methods used by CARE

Our experienced ethical hackers conduct the above types of penetration testing by applying the following testing methods:

  • Black Box: In this method, a penetration test is conducted to analyze the functionality of the system with no prior knowledge of the system and almost no information about the existing network and software security policies.
  • Gray Box: In this method, a penetration test is conducted to debug a system with some level of information about the system, such as an overview of the network, login details, architecture diagrams, etc.
  • White Box: In this method, a penetration test is conducted to analyze the internal structure of the system, including code structure, integrations, etc. The testers have complete admin rights in this test.

In short, CARE leaves no stone unturned to perform a thorough and authentic penetration test and explore all the untouched vulnerabilities in the IT infrastructure. Once the testing is completed, we provide state-of-the-art reports and recommendations that highlight the results, a list of detected vulnerabilities, and actionable recommendations.

To sum up, CARE is a one-stop solution for your business to get the most reliable and intelligent penetration testing right away. Get in touch with us for more details.